Killing Brings You Closer: Among Us

4 min readOct 9, 2020


  1. Type: Multiplayer
  2. Creator: InnerSloth
  3. Available on: PCs, IOS, and Android.
  4. Players: 5–10

Since the lockdown began, it’s been hard for everyone to connect properly with their close and loved ones. But in the August of dreadful 2020, I was introduced to our saviour, the one that nearly killed us all, the game that is built upon trust and friendship and how to ruin them, it is none other than Among Us!

Among Us was released back in June 2018. This game is set in a spaceship where the players (astronauts) have to maintain a spaceship and do tasks for a successful mission. The game opens with a bunch of coloured bean-like characters floating in outer space and gives you few playing choices.

Local, Online, and Freeplay are the three playing options that are provided, with which the most popular being ‘Online’. If you are familiar with the Mafia or the Werewolf game, you might easily understand what Among Us is about. There is usually a team of max 7–10 players. Out of these players, there’s a choice of having 1–3 imposters. The crewmates are given a bunch of tasks and by completing them they can win. But, the imposter/s have a single task, that is to kill everyone on the ship and win!

To win against the imposter, the crewmates can report the body of the dead crewmate and have a discussion and vote out the person they suspect the most or one can play safe and skip.

Once decided, the member who is voted out is thrown off the ship into outer space.

This game is fun because it gives you trust issues for life and ruins your friendship! You will also learn how good of a liar your friends are. And if you are playing with random people online, it will help you show off some of your deduction skills or you can channel your inner serial killer. But beware you shouldn’t, as they say nowadays, “look a little sus” or you’ll be thrown off in the void too.

This feels worse than a heartbreak

Not only the concept of the game is interesting as it is hard for it to get old (similar to why no one gets bored of detective shows and novels), the characters of the game adorable! Imagine a cute little bean-like figure suddenly shooting you in the head. Yes, that’s exactly what it is!

via: Google Images

The minimalistic character art doesn't deter the emotions of the game. In addition to the crazy animation, you can even customize your character. (Pro Tip: Cyan is always sus). You can make them look like a devil with pointy red horns and red-coloured skin, or you can look as innocent as possible with a pink flower on top of your head.

Another reason why the game never gets boring is because of the choices in the world setting. The game provides three different kinds of maps with different tasks that always keep the players interested. Even if you have mastered all the maps, you’ll still want to come back, again and again, to have a good-looking stat of your wins as an imposter and as a crewmate.

The game is based on your teamwork, trust, and strategizing skills. Another plus point, is if you die (either as a crewmate or an imposter) you will not be exited from the game nor would you sit ideally waiting for someone to win. The creators were nice enough to bring back the dead as ghosts, the crewmate ghosts can still do tasks and help their team while the imposter ghost can sabotage the spaceship and help their partner to win!

And if you still aren’t convinced to play the game. I say do it for the memes and you’ll understand the hype.

via: Google Images

